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CNDH chosen to represent Africa in SCA of the GANHRI


The National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH) has recently integrated the Subcommittee on Accreditation (SCA) of the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) as representative of Africa for a three years mandate. The CNDH was elected for this position following a vote within the steering committee of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI). In their declarations, all African National human rights institution (NHRI) clearly highlighted the experience of the CNDH and praised its commitment to promote human rights in Africa.

The Subcommittee on Accreditation’s mission is to review the conformity of NHRIs accreditation or reaccreditation applications with the Paris Principles, and to make recommendations to the GANRHI Bureau. This later is responsible for the final decision-making on accreditations. It is also competent to prepare general comments to clarify the meaning and implementation of the Paris Principles governing NHRIs.

The SCA gathers representatives of NHRIs from four regions forming the GANHRI: Americas, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe. They meet twice a year. Only NHRIs with A status are eligible to the SCA.

“A” Status is reserved to NHRIs deemed to be in full compliance with the Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 1993 known as Paris Principle, and recognized in particular as pluralistic and independent of the executive power. There are currently 74 NHRIs accredited with “A” status such as the CNDH and about thirty institutions with “B” status.

In addition to this new distinction, the CNDH is chairing the Francophone Association of National Human Rights Commissions (Association francophone des commissions nationales des droits de l’Homme- AFCNDH), and the GANRHI working group on Business and Human Rights. It is also a member of the Arab Network of National Human Rights Institutions and African Focal Point of GANHRI in the Global Compact for Migration.

The GANHRI was established in 1993. It promotes NHRIs throughout the world, provides a platform for dialogue and exchange and facilitates interaction between NHRIs and international organizations.